
“Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My words, that ye may unravel its secrets, and discover all the pearls of wisdom that lie hid in its depths.”


(P 118-119 Proclamation of Bahá’u’lláh) is focused on making exceptional audio books of the sacred, historical and secondary texts of the faith. We all know that we are called on to read the sacred word each day… but sometimes finding those moments of quiet stillness to dive into the writings can be a challenge. HearTheWritings is seeking to change that. Using the tools of technology, we are creating a resource that provides opportunities for people to access and experience the writings in more ways and more times than ever before. For those with long commutes; their drive time can now be a time to commune, for parents with kids who cant find the time to sit and read; now there is a resource, for those organizing community deepening sessions there is now a great tool, for our community

members with vision impairment, for those who are more inclined to auditory learning, and for the countless others who are looking for more time to experience the sacred word there is now a resource. Our focus is transforming these moments of mental availability which we all experience into greater opportunities to deepen our knowledge, connect to the writings and develop a closer relationship with Bahá’u’lláh. The feedback that we receive from individuals and communities alike serves as a confirmation and as fuel to move this endeavor forward. We hope you will find something here that touches your heart…and can help play a role in bringing you closer to Bahá’u’lláh. Thank you for supporting this endeavor and for helping us promote Bahá’í scholarship.


Phillip Hinton

Phillip Hinton

A master of the craft, Phillip Hinton has been working professionally for decades.

Aria Bruss

Aria Bruss

With a soothing voice and charming demeanor, Aria is making her mark on Hollywood.

Bill Jurney

Nabil Jurney

An award winning voiceover artist and exceptional narrator, Nabil Jurney’s voice is unique

Adam Mondschein

Adam Mondschein

A graduate of the distinguished UCLA Theater Program, Adam is has a voice that commands.

Jinous Khadivian

Jinous Khadivian

Passionate and powerful. Jinous is a fresh voice, brimming with promise and talent.

Ata Farhadi

Ata Farhadi

An amazing actor with a mesmerizing tone and a British accent… what more could you want?

contribute stamp 2 is a passion project… and like so many passion projects it’s growth and development depend on the incredible contributions of so many talented individuals. If you are as passionate as we are about audio books and want to be a part of helping us create more amazing Baha’i audio books, click one of the tabs above and lets get connected! We are always looking for new collaborators and are looking forward to hearing from you.

Some Additional Site Credits

All photos used throughout this site appear with the express permission of the photographers or via creative commons license. Please click on the images or links below and support the artists work who make this all possible.

Photo by Ramine Hossaini

Photo courtesy of Ramine Hossaini


Photo courtesy of Ramine Hossaini


Photo courtesy of Adrienne Warren


Photo courtesy of DarkDay