As you can probably tell, here at we have been focusing on making audio books of the sacred writings (several yet to be released) and the most recent guidance from The Universal House of Justice… but our thirst for an audio book of the history of the Faith is quite insatiable! So… we want to begin the process of producing some audio books about the history of the Faith… focused around the lives of either the 3 Central Figures and/or The Guardian.
We need your help! Please vote below and tell us which history books we should focus on converting into audio books first.
Please choose up to 3 titles… if the one you want is not listed please write that answer in on the blank option provided. Once again, this is about the history surrounding the 3 Central Figures of the Faith and/or Shoghi Effendi… other history books and biographies will happen in due time.
Looking forward to getting started.. thanks for helping us narrow it down!
***UPDATE: Congratulations to Sara Simon for being our randomly chosen winning participant. Her Audio Books are on the way. Thanks to everyone else for participating in the giveaway and to continue to support the work we are doing. And though the giveaway is over please do not stop filling out the poll.. we still need your votes!”
And as an added bonus, everyone who (1) takes the poll, (2) ‘likes’ this post on Facebook AND (3) adds a comment about which history book(s) they find most moving and would love to have as audio will be entered into a drawing to win A free Audio CD Set of Tablets of The Divine Plan revealed by Abdu’l-Bahá AND The Advent of Divine Justice by Shoghi Effendi. We will announce the winner on September 17th 2012!
[polldaddy poll=6506651]
NOTE: No purchase necessary to participate in the drawing.
Ina Angova
all of the above
Love audio books and Bahai books, well read will be so very welcomed! You are doing a gr8 job with the site guys! keep it up!
Veronica Dickey
I would buy all of the audio books, so start with three, but please continue and record them all!
Jon Rezin
We are working on them Veronica! Thanks for your support
Luana Hirahara
I headr Ruhiyyih Khanum say once that the Guardians works were meant to be read out loud.
Hey Luana, there is definitely something special about hearing a great delivery of the Guardians works…
Susan Gammage, Baha'i Life Coach
I loved reading the Priceless Pearl because it made Shoghi Effendi human. Similarly, the play by Jack Lenz called Midsummer Noon made the life of the Bab more real for me, so I'd love to hear his biography.
Carolyn Back Kornatz
Hi Susan, I loved Midsummer Noon which was beautifully performed a few years ago in Toronto. Do you know how it might be available? DVD? written script? Any info you have would be welcome!
Susan Gammage, Baha'i Life Coach
It seems to have vanished Carolyn, but I have emailed Jack Lenz to ask him to make it available again. Also, I wrote it out from an old cassette and can send it to you. Email me at
Eugene Dornbrook
I was wondering if there are audiobook businesses outside the Bahá'í community that might be interested in doing a commercial vesion of the Dawnbreakers. It certainly is a most epic tale.
Hey Eugene, It is definitely an epic tale worthy of great exposure… but why go out of the community to make a commercial version when that is what we are doing right here? Once we create these books they are available commercially on all the major audio book sites… it is just a matter of enlisting the help of passionate people like yourself to assist us to spread the word!
Michael Sabani
I would love to see (or hear!) An audio version of God Passes By. I think it would make this great work more accessible to many, including myself!
Skip Quinn Ebert
This a great gift! I have read all on your list and would love to see all available in audio. I would also suggest Abdu'l Baha in America by Robert Stockman.
Sara Simon
Having The Dawnbreakers on audio would help so much with pronunciation of names and places!
Karen L Pagel
Hi Sara, find it interesting we picked the same book for the same reason.
Karen L Pagel
It is hard to choose among those books but my first would be Dawnbreakers mainly because it would help me learn the pronunciations of the names and places. Thanks for doing this.
RE: Pronunciations.. So would we!
RE: Pronunciations.. So would we!
Siva Kalappadi
This sounds like a 'worthy' project! Keep up the good work! Have you heard about 'sight & sound interactive media system'? It's very similar to what you are doing except the is an 'option' button to either choose the mode one wishes but at the same time 'experiment' with the other 'modes' with a unique 'interactive mode' where one may ask questions to clarify passages in the 'Sacred writings' so as to better understand and comprehend the issues and potential issues of the 'day'? Isn't that amazing!
Siva Kalappadi
Meg Stevens
I vote but it was hard I would like all at once. I miss reading them all.
We agree Meg!
We agree Meg!
Colin Ruhe
Hey HTW! Awesome job. The list so far is fantastic. Any of the great books on the life of Tahirih would be awesome.
Maarten van Middelaar
My most moving book was Adib Taherzadeh's Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh volume 1, mainly because it was my first real book to read on history. The soul stirring stories of the believers of the Divine Author and His Writings. Blessed. Very Blessed.
Kian Mahboubi
Wait until you complete the series! Epic! Best read when in a group!
Kian Mahboubi
Wait until you complete the series! Epic! Best read when in a group!
Cindi Bush
I am so excited to be part of this. I have a visually-impaired friend who is so thirsty for this!
Susan Rene Williams-Davis
The Revelation of Baha'u'llah series! By Taherzadeh Final answer!!! How exciting!
Aleida Perez
Yes! Tottaly agree with Maarten van Middelaar, The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh volume 1 by Mr. Adib Taherzadeh is the book I want to know by heart.
Robert Moldenhauer
Perhaps you should change the name of your organisation, as you don't really seem interested in actually recording "The Writings."
Robert Moldenhauer
Perhaps you should change the name of your organisation, as you don't really seem interested in actually recording "The Writings."
Husseim Loftiness
God Passes By, Dawn Breakers and The Herald The Bab, would be great contributions for the Audiobook fans!
When you say "The Herald The Bab" are you referring to the book by Balyuzi?
When you say "The Herald The Bab" are you referring to the book by Balyuzi?
F Wayne Carey
Tablets of The Divine Plan for me please.
I love being able to do that! Your next wish?
I love being able to do that! Your next wish?
F Wayne Carey
Tablets of The Divine Plan for me please.
Judy Courtwright Raiten
What you are doing is absolutely wonderful. This is a huge undertaking and I applaud you to the rooftops!
Leah Hamrang
Hear the is rendering a great service to the people who prefer to learn through audio. Thank you!
Janie Moore
I would love books written by Baha'u'llah himself.
They are almost here Janie… almost!
Yvor Stoakley
High quality audiobook versions of the Writings is clearly a publishing category in which we are lagging and has huge potential for teaching and deepening. In addition to listening during a commute or extensive automobile journey, you can listen to an audiobook in the dark (e.g., before falling asleep), on your bike or treadmill or jogging, or during recuperation from illness or injury. The writings of Shoghi Effendi cry out for audiobook editions. His prose sounds wonderful when read aloud–though his long sentences can be challenging to interpret orally…. As you are looking for narrator talent, I would commend you to Jim Barnes of IL who has a wonderful radio/audiobook voice and has professional experience in broadcast radio. Good luck on your endeavor!! It is long overdue.
Karleen Contreras
This is the earliest Baha'i history book.
Ellen Collins Davis
Thank you, all of you for making Baha'i books available on audio format. I am a sales rep and spend lots of time driving and listening. Having The Writings available to hear its a joy.
Nancy Duggan
I am absolutely thrilled that you are doing this. My new friend has become a Baha’i but he has glaucoma and can’t read easily. I read to him but my Boston accent just doesn’t do justice to the Words of Baha’u’llah!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and from my friend too!!
Nancy Duggan
I am absolutely thrilled that you are doing this. My new friend has become a Baha’i but he has glaucoma and can’t read easily. I read to him but my Boston accent just doesn’t do justice to the Words of Baha’u’llah!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and from my friend too!!
Elizabeth Betsy Foster
I voted for three — but if I could have I would have put all three votes on Revelation of Baha'u'llah Vol 1-4!
Negar Ayoubzadeh
Thank you for this incredible and professional work! I LOVE listening to these on my way to work and back…. I Love Mr Hinton's voice! please, is there a chance you could consider Promulgation of Universal Peace? Thank you so much.
Caroline Marie Browning Hess
As someone with dyslexia the audio books are a great asset to me. Thank you.
Jon and Auntie! This is such a beautiful site and I LOVED reading Jon’s statement on his background with this project — so heartfelt, grounded and sincere like Jon!
I have another book to suggest. How about Release the Sun?
With love,