Help Us Record History!

As you can probably tell, here at we have been focusing on making audio books of the sacred writings (several yet to be released) and the most recent guidance from The Universal House of Justice… but our thirst for an audio book of the history of the Faith is quite insatiable! So… we want to begin the process of producing some audio books about the history of the Faith… focused around the lives of either the 3 Central Figures and/or The Guardian.

We need your help! Please vote below and tell us which history books we should focus on converting into audio books first.

Please choose up to 3 titles… if the one you want is not listed please write that answer in on the blank option provided. Once again, this is about the history surrounding the 3 Central Figures of the Faith and/or Shoghi Effendi… other history books and biographies will happen in due time.

Looking forward to getting started.. thanks for helping us narrow it down!

***UPDATE: Congratulations to Sara Simon for being our randomly chosen winning participant. Her Audio Books are on the way. Thanks to everyone else for participating in the giveaway and to continue to support the work we are doing. And though the giveaway is over please do not stop filling out the poll.. we still need your votes!”

And as an added bonus, everyone who (1) takes the poll, (2) ‘likes’ this post on Facebook AND (3) adds a comment about which history book(s) they find most moving and would love to have as audio will be entered into a drawing to win A free Audio CD Set of Tablets of The Divine Plan revealed by Abdu’l-Bahá AND The Advent of Divine Justice by Shoghi Effendi. We will announce the winner on September 17th 2012!

[polldaddy poll=6506651]

NOTE: No purchase necessary to participate in the drawing.

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